vertical fin

美 [ˈvɜːrtɪkl fɪn]英 [ˈvɜːtɪkl fɪn]
  • n.垂直尾翼;垂直安定面
vertical finvertical fin


a stabilizer that is part of the vertical tail structure of an airplane
Synonym: vertical stabilizer vertical stabiliser tail fin tailfin


  1. The Application of Vertical Fin Tube in Heat & Exchanger


  2. Application of Statistical Process Control to Boeing 737-700 Vertical Fin Program at Xi'an Aircraft Company


  3. Preliminary Design Consideration for vertical Fin of Armed Helicopter


  4. The dorsal fin is the vertical fin on the back of a fish and certain marine mammals .


  5. Another new detail is on the turning vanes , which now feature a triangular , vertical fin ( 2 ) .


  6. Empennage-Install Stabilizer and Vertical Fin .


  7. The KJ8602A features several external antennae mounted on the vertical fin tip , both wingtips , and underneath the forward fuselage .


  8. Voracious snakelike marine or freshwater fishes with smooth slimy usually scaleless skin and having a continuous vertical fin but no ventral fins .


  9. In the first photo there is a gaping hole in the fuselage through which you can see the tailplane and vertical fin of the aircraft .


  10. Besides , the practical use of this Quality Management Model to the quality improvement of Boeing 737-700 Vertical Fin Program has demonstrated that this system has improved the quality of the product and increased the profit of the Company .


  11. The buffet response of a configuration with the vertical fin moving forward by 30 mm ( which is 15.8 % of the vertical fin mean aerodynamic chord ) was also studied for comparison and analysis .


  12. Since the late 1960 's , US Army , following the experience in Vietnam , Puts forword more strict requirements for vertical fin design of armed helicopter in order to ensure it fly back safely after suffering tail rotor loss .


  13. A joined wing aircraft has a general arrangement which combines swept-aft front wing and swept-forward rear wing joined at 60 % - 100 % of the front wing span , a fuselage , and a vertical fin .


  14. According to the LiBr / H 2O solution falling film absorption along the vertical plate fin channel , the open circled experimental setup running in a batch mode is built .


  15. Secondly , the cold plate of vertical rectangle fin is researched for heat transfer characteristic on the electronic equipment cabinet . The method of equivalent model instead of cold plate is proposed in the simulation software .


  16. Another detail considers the addition of horizontal reinforcing plates ( cover plates ) to the beam flanges ; a third adds vertical triangular ( fin ) plates to both beam flanges .


  17. A vertical surface forward of the vertical stabilizer ( fin ) .
